It's all happening - Revolution images toward end of page
I log in to my Facebook scrolling for some daily news
It’s not the television stuff; I like alternate views
You know what I am speaking of is news from ‘round the globe
It’s unlimited and powerful with Truths that now are told
The People are awaking from millennia of sleep
When One People come together, truths are shared, profound
and deep
We must take what we are learning, use discernment in all
Let the stories drift on through our souls and feel the love
it brings
Now we see all systems crumbling as their darkness is
It’s so beautifully inspiring just to think it’s us that
chose ….
To come back for this timeline as the strongest of the
And break the shackles of enslavement and to boldly sing our
The veins of Mother Earth were clad with concrete by the
And all that dwelled upon Her were restricted in their
Now with every Truth that’s spoken, chips of concrete fall
Mothers veins fill with more Light now, each and every
single day
She is stretching as another piece of concrete crumbles down
She’s re-birthing and continues with earth changes all
So for Her and us and everyone, we must not be alarmed
Just remember, out of
chaos, comes a warm and loving calm
Can you hear it? Can you taste it? Can you feel it’s on its
We’re making history in each moment and we all have parts to
No more blindly led by systems that don’t work cause we’re
Shout your Truths out to the heavens even if your voice does
shake <3
Mother Earth ramps up Her rumbling as She comes into The
So will the tired dark agenda with their fears and hates and
They are grasping at the final straws as they all fall apart
They are scared of our strong Unity and Oneness from Our
Farewell old way; you’ve tested us and helped us to grow
It’s been a HUGE experience, now it’s time to move along
Out of darkness and corruption as we break into The Light
There is power in great numbers led by heart ~ an awesome
Once the economic system finally crashes to the ground
We must all open our arms to love and everyone around
We must go within and live life from our hearts so pure and
With sweet love as our foundation, we can surely start anew
~ Kelly Flack ~ 17th June 2013
March against Monsanto - May 25th 2013 - protests were held in 436 cities across 52 countries
Demonstrators march while holding a banner reading, "Change policy and government", during a protest in Lisbon on February 16, 2013 (Reuters: Jose Manuel Ribeiro)