Monday, October 8, 2012

Global Love Letter Movement

Today, the kids and I have joined the Global Love Letter Movement.

We have learned that people from ALL over the globe, are writing anonymous love letters and delivering them to all kinds of wonderful places in all kinds of wonderful ways.

As we decorated our envelopes with love hearts and the words "For You", we then put pen to paper and allowed the words to flow, straight from our hearts, to whoever might find the letters.

Here are a few pictures of the letters that we have created today

When we had finished writing, we all read our letters to each other. I got a bit "teary" ~ in a good way ~ as my soul had been seemingly touched with a gentle warmth from the words (and the loving energies) of my children.

 I can only imagine what the receiver of a love letter would feel. Perhaps an overwhelming feeling of utter joy and deep respect for humanity, and absolute love. That's what I felt anyway, as my kids read. Consciousness certainly is shifting, and what better way to help the expansion of LOVE, then a Global anonymous Love Letter, straight from your heart, to another human being <3 Ahhhh, here I go again (tissues please) ~

See how this movement of Love is sweeping the globe and uplifting humanity ~ I hope you will come join us, and share your Love too xxx

Absolutely beautiful <3

I Love You

 PS: we will be delivering the love letters later in the week and will certainly post a follow up blog about it :) FuN :) and LoVe <3

UPDATE as of 11th/10/12 ~ We have not yet delivered our love letters but they will be delivered from the 15th Oct onwards. This is my eldest daughters idea and we will let you know ALL about it on November 1st :)  Even more letters have been written and Im so excited for Monday to come around so we can start dropping them ........ Yay :)



  1. This is so awesome, I am tingling and feel tearfully happy that you have experienced this powerful love so simply.THANK YOU for sharing. I shall post up on the sites over the weekend and post on facebook. Our latest Global love video is here

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Thankyou for your wonderful comment of love. I wish you had kept it displayed but thats OK. WE got your message which has encouraged the children to write even MORE. So thank YOU xx We love you

  3. My goddaughter & I wrote our first Love Letters recently & delivered them around town. It was such a wonderful experience to share with each other & we're definitely doing it again.. over & over & over... <333

    1. That is so awesome :) Its a great feeling. The kids still have some to drop so we too, are delivering love :) Its all good xx

  4. We were sent this wonderful story today from a completely different person sending the love letters -

    Keep spreading the love xx

    1. Awwww that is so awesome Simon <3 thanks for sharing xxx
